If you want a career in which you can enjoy sports and physical activity, give back to children or youth through teaching or coaching while fulfilling a critical role in helping people achieve a quality level of health, fitness, and skill, MTSU's Physical Education program is right for you. This program has two concentrations: Physical Education Teaching and Sports Pedagogy.
The Physical Education Teaching concentration is unique, placing students as future teachers in several field-based experiences in schools, thus allowing them to begin educating young learners while supervised by a university professor and a public-school teacher. No other program in Tennessee and few programs in the country allow the number and quality of supervised field experiences in the schools that MTSU does.
The Sports Pedagogy concentration, broadly defined as the delivery of sports and physical activity offers students the opportunity to work within a wider range of teaching environments (i.e., coaching, officiating, recreation, dance, and fitness).
MTSU senior P.E. major Sarah Jane Barnes says MTSU's Physical Education program has her on the road to reaching her goal of becoming a teacher. “I have thoroughly enjoyed all my classes and classmates and teachers as well,” Barnes says. “I chose Physical Education as my major because I love sports and leading an active lifestyle and also so that I could become a basketball coach. I have had a lot of fun being around my peers and have learned and grown very much.” Barnes says the environment is totally different from that of a ‘regular' classroom setting.
Shelby Moore heads to graduation with confidence. A senior majoring in Physical Education, she says, “We are taught how to be the best P.E. teachers we can possibly be. I decided on this major when I realized that I really wanted to be a coach, but this program has taught me that being a teacher first is a lot more important. If you are a good teacher, then you will be a good coach! I am super excited about graduating from this program; not only have I grown to truly love teaching students physical education, but I know for a fact that this is the best P.E. program around.”
Physical Education graduates put their skills and knowledge to use in a variety of professions ranging from teaching in various settings to working as therapists to managing others in the field. A variety of examples follow:
Individuals who enter the teaching field are usually offered the option to coach in most schools or districts.
Physical Education graduates have been hired by school districts all across Tennessee and in surrounding states.
Physical Education graduates have opportunities in various other fields.
For complete curriculum details, click on the REQUIREMENTS tab above.
After completing the program requirements in Physical Education Teacher Education, students will obtain a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree and K-12 teaching license. Sport Pedagogy graduates will receive a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. Both concentrations consists of 120 credits, which includes 41 hours of General Studies.
Physical Education Teacher Education Program The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree in Physical Education is offered for students seeking a Tennessee K-12 Physical Education Teaching License. The major prepares teacher candidates in the areas of physical education content knowledge, instructional assessment, curriculum planning, and effective pedagogical skills. The program includes courses in the major disciplinary areas of physical education as well as courses that include significant clinical and practical experiences. Students majoring in this concentration are required to pursue a minor in Secondary Education. For more information, contact Dr. Don Belcher (Don.Belcher@mtsu.edu.)
Sports Pedagogy Concentration Physical Education is a comprehensive field that engages individuals of all ages, abilities, and cultures in movement experiences that contribute to their growth and development. Physical education is a dynamic field, constantly evolving as societal trends, demographics, and other factors impact upon it. Students majoring in this concentration may choose between a variety of minors (i.e., Athletic Coaching and Officiating, Dance, Health and Somatic Movement). For more information, contact Dr. Don Belcher (Don.Belcher@mtsu.edu). Physical Activities Program The purpose behind the HHP Department physical activity courses are to introduce students to a variety of lifetime sports, games, and/or activities. Participation in these physical activities is necessary for young adults in college to improve their fitness, skills, and knowledge for safe and satisfactory involvement in these activities over their lifespan. For more information, contact Dr. Bev Clanton (Bev.Clanton@mtsu.edu).
Students majoring in Physical Education will be required to have a minor in Secondary Education. A second minor can be obtained if an individual is interested in attending additional terms. Other areas of interest for a minor may include health education, coaching, driver's education, and dance. Specific minors offered in the Department of Health and Human Performance are Athletic Coaching and Officiating, Driver and Traffic Safety Education, Communication Disorders, Health, Health and Physical Education, Health and Human Performance, Recreation, Health Care Service, Health Care Administration, and Somatic Movement Education.
Students may obtain a MPH degree in Public Health with a choice of two concentrations: Community Health and Physical Activity. The Physical Activity program is designed to enhance the pedagogical skills and knowledge of students who already hold a bachelor's degree in physical education. Students who hold a bachelor's degree in another field may pursue an MHP in Public Health with a concentration in Physical Activity after completing required prerequisite courses. Another option is to combine the MHP program with the post-baccalaureate K-12 licensure program. Students must complete the Ready to Teach program in order to be admitted into the program.
Students may also pursue a Ph.D. in Human Performance with a specialization in physical education. The focus of this degree is to transition individuals from physical education teacher to the role of a physical education teacher educator and researcher. See the Physical Education Graduate Program Manager for details.
Other undergraduate majors offered by the Health and Human Performance Department that lead to a B.S. include Exercise Science; Community and Public Health with two concentrations: Public Health and Health Education and Lifetime Wellness; Tourism Hospitality Management; Leisure and Sport Management; and Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. Other specializations under the Ph.D. in Human Performance are exercise science, health, and leisure studies.
In addition, M.S. degrees are available with a major in Exercise Science and a major in Leisure and Sport Management with a choice of concentrations in Recreation and Leisure Services and Sport Industry.
The Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) College of Education’s teacher licensure preparation programs are accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and are eligible for accreditation by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Physical Education with teacher licensure program at MTSU is designed to meet the licensure requirements set by the Tennessee Department of Education. Students should be aware that licensure requirements vary from state to state and are subject to change. MTSU has not made a determination whether a specific program will meet all of the requirements of another US state or territory. MTSU recommends that students who plan to seek licensure outside the state of Tennessee contact the appropriate licensing agency and discuss their plans with their advisor. To obtain current information about each state’s and territory’s licensure requirements and any additional regulations, students should consult the US Department of Education’s website for state contacts at https://www2.ed.gov/about/contacts/state/index.html.
Graduates of MTSU teacher education programs certified to teach in Tennessee are eligible for certification reciprocity in many states. Reciprocity is not an automatic or complete transfer of certification, thus individuals should consult the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) site at https://www.tn.gov/education/licensing.html and the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) site at https://www.nasdtec.net/page/Interstate as well as the US Department of Education state contacts site for information about any additional state requirements.
Physical Education, B.S. Department of Health and Human Performance Don Belcher, program coordinator 615-898-2904 Don.Belcher@mtsu.edu The major in Physical Education offers preparation for teaching positions in public and private elementary and secondary schools in Tennessee. Students must complete a Secondary Education minor that includes student teaching. Persons who wish to pursue a non-teaching career may consult with the assigned advisor.Academic Map Following is a printable, suggested four-year schedule of courses: Physical Education, B.S., Academic Map Degree RequirementsGeneral Education41 hoursMajor Requirement52 hoursSecondary Education Minor27 hoursTOTAL120 hoursGeneral Education (41 hours) General Education requirements include courses in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories.Major Requirements (52 hours)HLTH 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR HLTH 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours (Same as PHED 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification. PHED 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours PHED 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours (Same as HLTH 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification. PHED 3430 - Skill Themes: Games, Gymnastics, and Rhythms 3 credit hours PHED 3430 - Skill Themes: Games, Gymnastics, and Rhythms 3 credit hours Fundamental areas of educational gymnastics, educational games, and educational/creative dance/rhythms. How movement education relates to an individual child's personal development--intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. Activities suitable for the needs, abilities, and interests of children and developmentally appropriate practices. PHED 3720 - Fitness Education K-12 3 credit hours PHED 3720 - Fitness Education K-12 3 credit hours Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for K-12. Offers preparation to administer and interpret assessment of related components with the understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the K-12 student. Major lifetime wellness activities covered. PHED 2800 - Introduction to Physical Education 2 credit hours PHED 2800 - Introduction to Physical Education 2 credit hours Introduces prospective students to the field of physical education. For those interested in teaching/coaching physical activities. Students taken through a broad range of activities in classrooms, gymnasiums, and outdoors. PHED 4000 - Pedagogy of Physical Education 3 credit hours ANDAND dotslash:AND title:AND AND PHED 4000 - Pedagogy of Physical Education 3 credit hours Prerequisites: PHED 2800 and PHED 4400. Corequisite: PHED 4001. Planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management. PHED 4001 - Pedagogy of Physical Education Practicum 1 credit hour PHED 4001 - Pedagogy of Physical Education Practicum 1 credit hour Corequisite: PHED 4000. Provides teacher candidates with practicum experiences with peers and youth in physical education. Students will have an opportunity to apply and develop the skills and knowledge gained in PHED 4000. PHED 3900 - Adapted Physical Education 3 credit hours PHED 3900 - Adapted Physical Education 3 credit hours For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with disabilities. Includes best practices and approaches to planning and implementing physical education instruction for the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in the educational, recreational, and physical fitness process and placement in the least restrictive environments and community programs. Addresses the unique needs of future physical education teachers. PHED 3930 - Concepts and Tactics of Teaching Games 2 credit hours PHED 3930 - Concepts and Tactics of Teaching Games 2 credit hours Introduces the tactical approach to teaching games in physical education. Striking, fielding, and target games emphasized. PHED 4400 - Motor Behavior 3 credit hours PHED 4400 - Motor Behavior 3 credit hours Processes related to the learning, control, and coordination of movement. Principles in motor learning, motor development, and motor control addressed in relation to movement and skill acquisition. Examines the major behavioral and control processes underlying the learning and performance of motor skills. PHED 4470 - Educational Rhythms for Teachers 2 credit hours PHED 4470 - Educational Rhythms for Teachers 2 credit hours Educational rhythms for teaching physical education. Rhythmic skills, progressive movement, and creative physical activities explored and utilized for the student's understanding of educational rhythms. Explores educational rhythms as an academic discipline as well as an art form and as a lifelong social/recreational activity. PHED 4710 - Authentic Assessment in Teaching Physical Education 3 credit hours PHED 4710 - Authentic Assessment in Teaching Physical Education 3 credit hours Authentic assessment techniques used in teaching physical education. Matching appropriate assessment to different types of assessment instruments and to the objectives of the physical education curriculum. Computer applications related to assessment in physical education used. PHED 4780 - Curriculum in Physical Education 3 credit hours PHED 4780 - Curriculum in Physical Education 3 credit hours For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with and without disabilities. Reviews best practices and approaches to planning and implementing instruction, as well as the curriculum models of physical education. Addresses unique needs of future physical education teachers. PHED 4800 - Elementary Physical Education Teaching Methods 3 credit hours ANDAND dotslash:AND title:AND AND PHED 4800 - Elementary Physical Education Teaching Methods 3 credit hours Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3430, PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Planning, implementing, and evaluating the teaching-learning process at the elementary school level. Requires field experience in teaching physical education at an area elementary school. PHED 4801 - Teaching Elementary Physical Education Practicum 3 credit hours PHED 4801 - Teaching Elementary Physical Education Practicum 3 credit hours Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to children with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development. PHED 4900 - Secondary Physical Education Teaching Methods 3 credit hours ANDAND dotslash:AND title:AND AND PHED 4900 - Secondary Physical Education Teaching Methods 3 credit hours Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Opportunity to observe the art of teaching and the act of learning in physical education classes at the secondary level. Advanced study and practice of effective teaching and learning theory in secondary physical education related to classroom, gymnasium, and field situations. PHED 4901 - Teaching Secondary Physical Education Practicum 3 credit hours PHED 4901 - Teaching Secondary Physical Education Practicum 3 credit hours Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to middle and high school learners with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development. PHED 4910 - Applied Kinesiology and Biomechanics 3 credit hours PHED 4910 - Applied Kinesiology and Biomechanics 3 credit hours Study of the analysis of human movement based on the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of human activities. Laboratory experiences included. PHED 4930 - Teaching Territory Games 3 credit hours PHED 4930 - Teaching Territory Games 3 credit hours Games and skills associated with a variety of territory games. Includes basketball, soccer, flag football, lacrosse, field hockey, etc. Emphasis on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners. PHED 4940 - Teaching Net and Wall Games 2 credit hours PHED 4940 - Teaching Net and Wall Games 2 credit hours Games and skills associated with a variety of net/wall games, including volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, racquetball, etc. Emphasis placed on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners. PHED 4990 - Seminar in Teaching Physical Education 1 credit hour PHED 4990 - Seminar in Teaching Physical Education 1 credit hour Prerequisites: PHED 4800, PHED 4801, PHED 4900, and PHED 4901. A comprehensive review of the organization and management of physical education, presenting students with skills and strategies for becoming effective beginning teachers. Crucial issues and trends affecting the fields of physical education, including issues of advocacy, legal liability, alternative teaching strategies, ethics and professionalism, diversity, classroom management, and career planning. Secondary Education Minor (27 hours) See Secondary Education Minor for further information.Curriculum: Physical Education Curricular listings include General Education requirements in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories. The following curriculum is the recommended sequence of courses. Consultation with an advisor is required each semester.Freshman ENGL 1010 - Expository Writing 3 credit hours (Comm)(Comm) dotslash:(Comm) title:(Comm) (Comm) ENGL 1010 - Expository Writing 3 credit hours The first General Education English course. Emphasis on learning to adapt composing processes to a variety of expository and analytic writing assignments. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements. ENGL 1020 - Research and Argumentative Writing 3 credit hours (Comm)(Comm) dotslash:(Comm) title:(Comm) (Comm) ENGL 1020 - Research and Argumentative Writing 3 credit hours Prerequisite: ENGL 1010. The second General Education English course. Emphasis on analytic and argumentative writing and on locating, organizing, and using library resource materials in the writing. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements. Humanities and/or Fine Arts (2 rubrics) 6 credit hours Social/Behavioral Sciences 3 credit hours (HLTH 1530/HLTH 1531 recommended) Natural Sciences (Rubric 1) 4 credit hours PHED 2800 - Introduction to Physical Education 2 credit hours PHED 2800 - Introduction to Physical Education 2 credit hours Introduces prospective students to the field of physical education. For those interested in teaching/coaching physical activities. Students taken through a broad range of activities in classrooms, gymnasiums, and outdoors. HLTH 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR HLTH 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours (Same as PHED 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification. PHED 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours (or approved First Aid/CPR competency)(or approved First Aid/CPR competency) dotslash:(or approved First Aid/CPR competency) title:(or approved First Aid/CPR competency) (or approved First Aid/CPR competency) PHED 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours (Same as HLTH 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification. Choose 6 hours from:HIST 2010 - Survey of United States History I 3 credit hours HIST 2010 - Survey of United States History I 3 credit hours Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010 HIST 2020 - Survey of United States History II 3 credit hours HIST 2020 - Survey of United States History II 3 credit hours Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020 HIST 2030 - Tennessee History 3 credit hours HIST 2030 - Tennessee History 3 credit hours The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030 HIST 2040 - Survey African American History I 3 credit hours HIST 2040 - Survey African American History I 3 credit hours The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050. HIST 2050 - Survey African American History II 3 credit hours HIST 2050 - Survey African American History II 3 credit hours The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. Subtotal: 30 HoursSophomore ENGL 2020 - Themes in Literature and Culture 3 credit hours (Hum/FA) OR(Hum/FA) OR dotslash:(Hum/FA) OR title:(Hum/FA) OR (Hum/FA) OR ENGL 2020 - Themes in Literature and Culture 3 credit hours Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Traces a specific theme or idea through a number of literary texts that reflect different historical and cultural contexts. Subject will vary. ENGL 2030 - The Experience of Literature 3 credit hours OR(Hum/FA) OR dotslash:(Hum/FA) OR title:OR (Hum/FA) OR ENGL 2030 - The Experience of Literature 3 credit hours Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. The reading of a variety of literary types which illuminate themes and experiences common to human existence. HUM 2610 - World Literatures 3 credit hours (Hum/FA)(Hum/FA) dotslash:(Hum/FA) title:(Hum/FA) (Hum/FA) HUM 2610 - World Literatures 3 credit hours Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Representative works of French, German, and Hispanic authors in English translation. No foreign-language proficiency required. Carries General Education credit. Natural Sciences (Rubric 2) 4 credit hours Mathematics (statistics rec.) 3 credit hours Social/Behavioral Sciences (Rubric 2) 3 credit hours COMM 2200 - Fundamentals of Communication 3 credit hours (Comm)(Comm) dotslash:(Comm) title:(Comm) (Comm) COMM 2200 - Fundamentals of Communication 3 credit hours Introduces principles and processes of effective public oral communication including researching, critical thinking, organizing, presenting, listening, and using appropriate language. Counts as part of the General Education Communication requirement. TBR Common Course: COMM 2025 PHED 3430 - Skill Themes: Games, Gymnastics, and Rhythms 3 credit hours PHED 3430 - Skill Themes: Games, Gymnastics, and Rhythms 3 credit hours Fundamental areas of educational gymnastics, educational games, and educational/creative dance/rhythms. How movement education relates to an individual child's personal development--intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. Activities suitable for the needs, abilities, and interests of children and developmentally appropriate practices. PHED 3720 - Fitness Education K-12 3 credit hours PHED 3720 - Fitness Education K-12 3 credit hours Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for K-12. Offers preparation to administer and interpret assessment of related components with the understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the K-12 student. Major lifetime wellness activities covered. PHED 3930 - Concepts and Tactics of Teaching Games 2 credit hours PHED 3930 - Concepts and Tactics of Teaching Games 2 credit hours Introduces the tactical approach to teaching games in physical education. Striking, fielding, and target games emphasized. PHED 4910 - Applied Kinesiology and Biomechanics 3 credit hours PHED 4910 - Applied Kinesiology and Biomechanics 3 credit hours Study of the analysis of human movement based on the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of human activities. Laboratory experiences included. PHED 4930 - Teaching Territory Games 3 credit hours PHED 4930 - Teaching Territory Games 3 credit hours Games and skills associated with a variety of territory games. Includes basketball, soccer, flag football, lacrosse, field hockey, etc. Emphasis on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners. YOED 2500 - Planning and Assessment 3 credit hours YOED 2500 - Planning and Assessment 3 credit hours Offers preparation for planning instruction, assessing student learning, and understanding how classroom assessment and standardized testing should impact instruction. Introduces education policy, professionalism, and theory which informs students as they enter and practice the profession. Field experience required. Subtotal: 33 HoursJunior PHED 4000 - Pedagogy of Physical Education 3 credit hours ANDAND dotslash:AND title:AND AND PHED 4000 - Pedagogy of Physical Education 3 credit hours Prerequisites: PHED 2800 and PHED 4400. Corequisite: PHED 4001. Planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management. PHED 4001 - Pedagogy of Physical Education Practicum 1 credit hour PHED 4001 - Pedagogy of Physical Education Practicum 1 credit hour Corequisite: PHED 4000. Provides teacher candidates with practicum experiences with peers and youth in physical education. Students will have an opportunity to apply and develop the skills and knowledge gained in PHED 4000. PHED 3900 - Adapted Physical Education 3 credit hours PHED 3900 - Adapted Physical Education 3 credit hours For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with disabilities. Includes best practices and approaches to planning and implementing physical education instruction for the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in the educational, recreational, and physical fitness process and placement in the least restrictive environments and community programs. Addresses the unique needs of future physical education teachers. PHED 4400 - Motor Behavior 3 credit hours PHED 4400 - Motor Behavior 3 credit hours Processes related to the learning, control, and coordination of movement. Principles in motor learning, motor development, and motor control addressed in relation to movement and skill acquisition. Examines the major behavioral and control processes underlying the learning and performance of motor skills. PHED 4470 - Educational Rhythms for Teachers 2 credit hours PHED 4470 - Educational Rhythms for Teachers 2 credit hours Educational rhythms for teaching physical education. Rhythmic skills, progressive movement, and creative physical activities explored and utilized for the student's understanding of educational rhythms. Explores educational rhythms as an academic discipline as well as an art form and as a lifelong social/recreational activity. PHED 4710 - Authentic Assessment in Teaching Physical Education 3 credit hours PHED 4710 - Authentic Assessment in Teaching Physical Education 3 credit hours Authentic assessment techniques used in teaching physical education. Matching appropriate assessment to different types of assessment instruments and to the objectives of the physical education curriculum. Computer applications related to assessment in physical education used. PHED 4780 - Curriculum in Physical Education 3 credit hours PHED 4780 - Curriculum in Physical Education 3 credit hours For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with and without disabilities. Reviews best practices and approaches to planning and implementing instruction, as well as the curriculum models of physical education. Addresses unique needs of future physical education teachers. PHED 4940 - Teaching Net and Wall Games 2 credit hours PHED 4940 - Teaching Net and Wall Games 2 credit hours Games and skills associated with a variety of net/wall games, including volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, racquetball, etc. Emphasis placed on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners. YOED 3000 - Classroom Management 3 credit hours YOED 3000 - Classroom Management 3 credit hours Prerequisites: YOED 2500 with grade of B- or better and admission to Teacher Education. Introduces a variety of classroom management strategies and techniques that will foster a positive learning environment in the classrooms. Provides an overview of behavior management models, theories, and research as a foundation for classroom practice. Facilitates, through the use of field experiences, the analysis of school-wide policies/procedures and insight on real life classroom management expectations of the first-year teacher. YOED 3300 - Problem-Based Instructional Strategies 3 credit hours YOED 3300 - Problem-Based Instructional Strategies 3 credit hours Prerequisites: YOED 2500 with grade of B- or better and admission to Teacher Education. Offers preparation for students to develop and present instructional strategies that frame curriculum content in problem-solving contexts. Field experience in a public school setting required. Subtotal: 26 HoursSenior PHED 4800 - Elementary Physical Education Teaching Methods 3 credit hours ANDAND dotslash:AND title:AND AND PHED 4800 - Elementary Physical Education Teaching Methods 3 credit hours Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3430, PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Planning, implementing, and evaluating the teaching-learning process at the elementary school level. Requires field experience in teaching physical education at an area elementary school. PHED 4801 - Teaching Elementary Physical Education Practicum 3 credit hours PHED 4801 - Teaching Elementary Physical Education Practicum 3 credit hours Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to children with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development. PHED 4900 - Secondary Physical Education Teaching Methods 3 credit hours ANDAND dotslash:AND title:AND AND PHED 4900 - Secondary Physical Education Teaching Methods 3 credit hours Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Opportunity to observe the art of teaching and the act of learning in physical education classes at the secondary level. Advanced study and practice of effective teaching and learning theory in secondary physical education related to classroom, gymnasium, and field situations. PHED 4901 - Teaching Secondary Physical Education Practicum 3 credit hours PHED 4901 - Teaching Secondary Physical Education Practicum 3 credit hours Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to middle and high school learners with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development. PHED 4990 - Seminar in Teaching Physical Education 1 credit hour PHED 4990 - Seminar in Teaching Physical Education 1 credit hour Prerequisites: PHED 4800, PHED 4801, PHED 4900, and PHED 4901. A comprehensive review of the organization and management of physical education, presenting students with skills and strategies for becoming effective beginning teachers. Crucial issues and trends affecting the fields of physical education, including issues of advocacy, legal liability, alternative teaching strategies, ethics and professionalism, diversity, classroom management, and career planning. YOED 4020 - Residency I: Grades K-12 6 credit hours YOED 4020 - Residency I: Grades K-12 6 credit hours Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education program; successful completion of YOED 2500, YOED 3000, YOED 3300 with a grade of B or better; overall grade point average maintained at a minimum of 2.75; grade point average in the major at a minimum of 2.50; and senior standing. A school-based clinical experience in a problem-based learning format in art, drama, music, or physical education. NOTE: All students must obtain a grade of B or better in this course to move forward to Residency II. YOED 4400 - Residency II 12 credit hours YOED 4400 - Residency II 12 credit hours Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education program; successful completion (with grade of B or better) of YOED 2500, YOED 3000, YOED 3300, YOED 4020,YOED 4030, or YOED 4040; passing score(s) on the specialty area exam(s) of Praxis II; overall grade point average maintained at a minimum of 2.75; grade point average in the major at a minimum of 2.50; and senior standing. A full-day, full-semester supervised teaching experience in a public school classroom. Pass/Fail grading. Subtotal: 31 Hours
Department of Health and Human Performance Don Belcher, program coordinator 615-898-2904 Don.Belcher@mtsu.edu
The major in Physical Education offers preparation for teaching positions in public and private elementary and secondary schools in Tennessee. Students must complete a Secondary Education minor that includes student teaching.
Persons who wish to pursue a non-teaching career may consult with the assigned advisor.
Following is a printable, suggested four-year schedule of courses:
Physical Education, B.S., Academic Map
General Education requirements include courses in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories.
(Same as PHED 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.
(Same as HLTH 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.
Fundamental areas of educational gymnastics, educational games, and educational/creative dance/rhythms. How movement education relates to an individual child's personal development--intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. Activities suitable for the needs, abilities, and interests of children and developmentally appropriate practices.
Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for K-12. Offers preparation to administer and interpret assessment of related components with the understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the K-12 student. Major lifetime wellness activities covered.
Introduces prospective students to the field of physical education. For those interested in teaching/coaching physical activities. Students taken through a broad range of activities in classrooms, gymnasiums, and outdoors.
Prerequisites: PHED 2800 and PHED 4400. Corequisite: PHED 4001. Planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management.
Corequisite: PHED 4000. Provides teacher candidates with practicum experiences with peers and youth in physical education. Students will have an opportunity to apply and develop the skills and knowledge gained in PHED 4000.
For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with disabilities. Includes best practices and approaches to planning and implementing physical education instruction for the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in the educational, recreational, and physical fitness process and placement in the least restrictive environments and community programs. Addresses the unique needs of future physical education teachers.
Introduces the tactical approach to teaching games in physical education. Striking, fielding, and target games emphasized.
Processes related to the learning, control, and coordination of movement. Principles in motor learning, motor development, and motor control addressed in relation to movement and skill acquisition. Examines the major behavioral and control processes underlying the learning and performance of motor skills.
Educational rhythms for teaching physical education. Rhythmic skills, progressive movement, and creative physical activities explored and utilized for the student's understanding of educational rhythms. Explores educational rhythms as an academic discipline as well as an art form and as a lifelong social/recreational activity.
Authentic assessment techniques used in teaching physical education. Matching appropriate assessment to different types of assessment instruments and to the objectives of the physical education curriculum. Computer applications related to assessment in physical education used.
For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with and without disabilities. Reviews best practices and approaches to planning and implementing instruction, as well as the curriculum models of physical education. Addresses unique needs of future physical education teachers.
Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3430, PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Planning, implementing, and evaluating the teaching-learning process at the elementary school level. Requires field experience in teaching physical education at an area elementary school.
Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to children with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development.
Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Opportunity to observe the art of teaching and the act of learning in physical education classes at the secondary level. Advanced study and practice of effective teaching and learning theory in secondary physical education related to classroom, gymnasium, and field situations.
Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to middle and high school learners with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development.
Study of the analysis of human movement based on the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of human activities. Laboratory experiences included.
Games and skills associated with a variety of territory games. Includes basketball, soccer, flag football, lacrosse, field hockey, etc. Emphasis on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners.
Games and skills associated with a variety of net/wall games, including volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, racquetball, etc. Emphasis placed on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners.
Prerequisites: PHED 4800, PHED 4801, PHED 4900, and PHED 4901. A comprehensive review of the organization and management of physical education, presenting students with skills and strategies for becoming effective beginning teachers. Crucial issues and trends affecting the fields of physical education, including issues of advocacy, legal liability, alternative teaching strategies, ethics and professionalism, diversity, classroom management, and career planning.
See Secondary Education Minor for further information.
Curricular listings include General Education requirements in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories.
The following curriculum is the recommended sequence of courses. Consultation with an advisor is required each semester.
The first General Education English course. Emphasis on learning to adapt composing processes to a variety of expository and analytic writing assignments. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements.
Prerequisite: ENGL 1010. The second General Education English course. Emphasis on analytic and argumentative writing and on locating, organizing, and using library resource materials in the writing. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements.
Introduces prospective students to the field of physical education. For those interested in teaching/coaching physical activities. Students taken through a broad range of activities in classrooms, gymnasiums, and outdoors.
(Same as PHED 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.
(Same as HLTH 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.
Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010
Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020
The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030
The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.
NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050.
The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Traces a specific theme or idea through a number of literary texts that reflect different historical and cultural contexts. Subject will vary.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. The reading of a variety of literary types which illuminate themes and experiences common to human existence.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Representative works of French, German, and Hispanic authors in English translation. No foreign-language proficiency required. Carries General Education credit.
Introduces principles and processes of effective public oral communication including researching, critical thinking, organizing, presenting, listening, and using appropriate language. Counts as part of the General Education Communication requirement. TBR Common Course: COMM 2025
Fundamental areas of educational gymnastics, educational games, and educational/creative dance/rhythms. How movement education relates to an individual child's personal development--intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. Activities suitable for the needs, abilities, and interests of children and developmentally appropriate practices.
Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for K-12. Offers preparation to administer and interpret assessment of related components with the understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the K-12 student. Major lifetime wellness activities covered.
Introduces the tactical approach to teaching games in physical education. Striking, fielding, and target games emphasized.
Study of the analysis of human movement based on the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of human activities. Laboratory experiences included.
Games and skills associated with a variety of territory games. Includes basketball, soccer, flag football, lacrosse, field hockey, etc. Emphasis on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners.
Offers preparation for planning instruction, assessing student learning, and understanding how classroom assessment and standardized testing should impact instruction. Introduces education policy, professionalism, and theory which informs students as they enter and practice the profession. Field experience required.
Prerequisites: PHED 2800 and PHED 4400. Corequisite: PHED 4001. Planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management.
Corequisite: PHED 4000. Provides teacher candidates with practicum experiences with peers and youth in physical education. Students will have an opportunity to apply and develop the skills and knowledge gained in PHED 4000.
For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with disabilities. Includes best practices and approaches to planning and implementing physical education instruction for the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in the educational, recreational, and physical fitness process and placement in the least restrictive environments and community programs. Addresses the unique needs of future physical education teachers.
Processes related to the learning, control, and coordination of movement. Principles in motor learning, motor development, and motor control addressed in relation to movement and skill acquisition. Examines the major behavioral and control processes underlying the learning and performance of motor skills.
Educational rhythms for teaching physical education. Rhythmic skills, progressive movement, and creative physical activities explored and utilized for the student's understanding of educational rhythms. Explores educational rhythms as an academic discipline as well as an art form and as a lifelong social/recreational activity.
Authentic assessment techniques used in teaching physical education. Matching appropriate assessment to different types of assessment instruments and to the objectives of the physical education curriculum. Computer applications related to assessment in physical education used.
For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with and without disabilities. Reviews best practices and approaches to planning and implementing instruction, as well as the curriculum models of physical education. Addresses unique needs of future physical education teachers.
Games and skills associated with a variety of net/wall games, including volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, racquetball, etc. Emphasis placed on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners.
Prerequisites: YOED 2500 with grade of B- or better and admission to Teacher Education. Introduces a variety of classroom management strategies and techniques that will foster a positive learning environment in the classrooms. Provides an overview of behavior management models, theories, and research as a foundation for classroom practice. Facilitates, through the use of field experiences, the analysis of school-wide policies/procedures and insight on real life classroom management expectations of the first-year teacher.
Prerequisites: YOED 2500 with grade of B- or better and admission to Teacher Education. Offers preparation for students to develop and present instructional strategies that frame curriculum content in problem-solving contexts. Field experience in a public school setting required.
Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3430, PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Planning, implementing, and evaluating the teaching-learning process at the elementary school level. Requires field experience in teaching physical education at an area elementary school.
Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to children with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development.
Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Opportunity to observe the art of teaching and the act of learning in physical education classes at the secondary level. Advanced study and practice of effective teaching and learning theory in secondary physical education related to classroom, gymnasium, and field situations.
Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to middle and high school learners with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development.
Prerequisites: PHED 4800, PHED 4801, PHED 4900, and PHED 4901. A comprehensive review of the organization and management of physical education, presenting students with skills and strategies for becoming effective beginning teachers. Crucial issues and trends affecting the fields of physical education, including issues of advocacy, legal liability, alternative teaching strategies, ethics and professionalism, diversity, classroom management, and career planning.
Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education program; successful completion of YOED 2500, YOED 3000, YOED 3300 with a grade of B or better; overall grade point average maintained at a minimum of 2.75; grade point average in the major at a minimum of 2.50; and senior standing. A school-based clinical experience in a problem-based learning format in art, drama, music, or physical education.
NOTE: All students must obtain a grade of B or better in this course to move forward to Residency II.
Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education program; successful completion (with grade of B or better) of YOED 2500, YOED 3000, YOED 3300, YOED 4020,YOED 4030, or YOED 4040; passing score(s) on the specialty area exam(s) of Praxis II; overall grade point average maintained at a minimum of 2.75; grade point average in the major at a minimum of 2.50; and senior standing. A full-day, full-semester supervised teaching experience in a public school classroom. Pass/Fail grading.
Physical Education, Sport Pedagogy Concentration, B.S. Health and Human Performance Don Belcher, program coordinator 615-898-2904 Don.Belcher@mtsu.edu The Sport Pedagogy concentration will serve as an opportunity for those who have movement skill and instructional ambitions to pursue a physical education degree option. This concentration will not lead to teacher certification; however, it may be combined with several options for a minor (e.g., athletic coaching, dance, somatic movement) providing students the expertise to be employed in a wider variety of related fields.Academic Map Following is a printable, suggested four-year schedule of courses: Physical Education, Sports Pedagogy Concentration, B.S., Academic MapDegree RequirementsGeneral Education41 hoursMajor Requirement54 hoursMinor15-18 hoursElectives7-10 hoursTOTAL120 hoursGeneral Education General Education requirements include courses in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories.Major Requirements (54 hours)ATHC 3810 - Directing Intramurals 3 credit hours ATHC 3810 - Directing Intramurals 3 credit hours The organization and administration of intramural programs. Actual participation in developing and supervising intramural activities. LSTS 4110 - Youth Sport Programming and Administration 3 credit hours LSTS 4110 - Youth Sport Programming and Administration 3 credit hours Explores and examines youth sport history, philosophy, developmental stages of youth, administration and programming for youth, and current issues and events necessary to deliver youth sport activities within a variety of settings, agencies, and/or organizations. Addresses the various learning stages of youth sport and the impact these experiences can have on youth. PHED 2800 - Introduction to Physical Education 2 credit hours PHED 2800 - Introduction to Physical Education 2 credit hours Introduces prospective students to the field of physical education. For those interested in teaching/coaching physical activities. Students taken through a broad range of activities in classrooms, gymnasiums, and outdoors. PHED 3430 - Skill Themes: Games, Gymnastics, and Rhythms 3 credit hours PHED 3430 - Skill Themes: Games, Gymnastics, and Rhythms 3 credit hours Fundamental areas of educational gymnastics, educational games, and educational/creative dance/rhythms. How movement education relates to an individual child's personal development--intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. Activities suitable for the needs, abilities, and interests of children and developmentally appropriate practices. PHED 3720 - Fitness Education K-12 3 credit hours PHED 3720 - Fitness Education K-12 3 credit hours Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for K-12. Offers preparation to administer and interpret assessment of related components with the understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the K-12 student. Major lifetime wellness activities covered. PHED 3900 - Adapted Physical Education 3 credit hours PHED 3900 - Adapted Physical Education 3 credit hours For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with disabilities. Includes best practices and approaches to planning and implementing physical education instruction for the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in the educational, recreational, and physical fitness process and placement in the least restrictive environments and community programs. Addresses the unique needs of future physical education teachers. PHED 3930 - Concepts and Tactics of Teaching Games 2 credit hours PHED 3930 - Concepts and Tactics of Teaching Games 2 credit hours Introduces the tactical approach to teaching games in physical education. Striking, fielding, and target games emphasized. PHED 4400 - Motor Behavior 3 credit hours PHED 4400 - Motor Behavior 3 credit hours Processes related to the learning, control, and coordination of movement. Principles in motor learning, motor development, and motor control addressed in relation to movement and skill acquisition. Examines the major behavioral and control processes underlying the learning and performance of motor skills. PHED 4470 - Educational Rhythms for Teachers 2 credit hours PHED 4470 - Educational Rhythms for Teachers 2 credit hours Educational rhythms for teaching physical education. Rhythmic skills, progressive movement, and creative physical activities explored and utilized for the student's understanding of educational rhythms. Explores educational rhythms as an academic discipline as well as an art form and as a lifelong social/recreational activity. PHED 4910 - Applied Kinesiology and Biomechanics 3 credit hours PHED 4910 - Applied Kinesiology and Biomechanics 3 credit hours Study of the analysis of human movement based on the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of human activities. Laboratory experiences included. PHED 4930 - Teaching Territory Games 3 credit hours PHED 4930 - Teaching Territory Games 3 credit hours Games and skills associated with a variety of territory games. Includes basketball, soccer, flag football, lacrosse, field hockey, etc. Emphasis on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners. PHED 4940 - Teaching Net and Wall Games 2 credit hours PHED 4940 - Teaching Net and Wall Games 2 credit hours Games and skills associated with a variety of net/wall games, including volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, racquetball, etc. Emphasis placed on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners. PHED 4250 - Internship 3 to 12 credit hours (6 credit hours required)(6 credit hours required) dotslash:(6 credit hours required) title:(6 credit hours required) (6 credit hours required) PHED 4250 - Internship 3 to 12 credit hours Prerequisite: Approval by area faculty required. On-site practical experience in physical education, exercise science/health promotion program. Sports Pedagogy electives 9 credit hours PHED 4000 - Pedagogy of Physical Education 3 credit hours PHED 4000 - Pedagogy of Physical Education 3 credit hours Prerequisites: PHED 2800 and PHED 4400. Corequisite: PHED 4001. Planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management. PHED 4001 - Pedagogy of Physical Education Practicum 1 credit hour PHED 4001 - Pedagogy of Physical Education Practicum 1 credit hour Corequisite: PHED 4000. Provides teacher candidates with practicum experiences with peers and youth in physical education. Students will have an opportunity to apply and develop the skills and knowledge gained in PHED 4000. PHED 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR PHED 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours (Same as HLTH 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification. HLTH 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours HLTH 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours (Same as PHED 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification. Minor (15-18 hours)Electives (7-10 hours)Curriculum: Physical Education, Sports Pedagogy Curricular listings include General Education requirements in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories. The following curriculum is the recommended sequence of courses. Consultation with an advisor is required each semester.Freshman FallENGL 1010 - Expository Writing 3 credit hours (Comm)(Comm) dotslash:(Comm) title:(Comm) (Comm) ENGL 1010 - Expository Writing 3 credit hours The first General Education English course. Emphasis on learning to adapt composing processes to a variety of expository and analytic writing assignments. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements. Humanities and/or Fine Arts 3 credit hoursSocial/Behavioral Sciences 3 credit hours HLTH 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR HLTH 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours (Same as PHED 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification. PHED 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours PHED 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours (Same as HLTH 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification. HIST 2010 - Survey of United States History I 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR HIST 2010 - Survey of United States History I 3 credit hours Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010 HIST 2020 - Survey of United States History II 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR HIST 2020 - Survey of United States History II 3 credit hours Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020 HIST 2030 - Tennessee History 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR HIST 2030 - Tennessee History 3 credit hours The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030 HIST 2040 - Survey African American History I 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR HIST 2040 - Survey African American History I 3 credit hours The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050. HIST 2050 - Survey African American History II 3 credit hours HIST 2050 - Survey African American History II 3 credit hours The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. Subtotal: 15 HoursFreshman SpringENGL 1020 - Research and Argumentative Writing 3 credit hours (Comm)(Comm) dotslash:(Comm) title:(Comm) (Comm) ENGL 1020 - Research and Argumentative Writing 3 credit hours Prerequisite: ENGL 1010. The second General Education English course. Emphasis on analytic and argumentative writing and on locating, organizing, and using library resource materials in the writing. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements. PHED 2800 - Introduction to Physical Education 2 credit hours PHED 2800 - Introduction to Physical Education 2 credit hours Introduces prospective students to the field of physical education. For those interested in teaching/coaching physical activities. Students taken through a broad range of activities in classrooms, gymnasiums, and outdoors. Humanities and/or Fine Arts 3 credit hoursNatural Sciences 4 credit hours HIST 2010 - Survey of United States History I 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR HIST 2010 - Survey of United States History I 3 credit hours Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010 HIST 2020 - Survey of United States History II 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR HIST 2020 - Survey of United States History II 3 credit hours Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020 HIST 2030 - Tennessee History 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR HIST 2030 - Tennessee History 3 credit hours The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030 HIST 2040 - Survey African American History I 3 credit hours OROR dotslash:OR title:OR OR HIST 2040 - Survey African American History I 3 credit hours The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050. HIST 2050 - Survey African American History II 3 credit hours HIST 2050 - Survey African American History II 3 credit hours The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. Subtotal: 15 HoursSophomore FallCOMM 2200 - Fundamentals of Communication 3 credit hours (Comm)(Comm) dotslash:(Comm) title:(Comm) (Comm) COMM 2200 - Fundamentals of Communication 3 credit hours Introduces principles and processes of effective public oral communication including researching, critical thinking, organizing, presenting, listening, and using appropriate language. Counts as part of the General Education Communication requirement. TBR Common Course: COMM 2025 PHED 3930 - Concepts and Tactics of Teaching Games 2 credit hours PHED 3930 - Concepts and Tactics of Teaching Games 2 credit hours Introduces the tactical approach to teaching games in physical education. Striking, fielding, and target games emphasized. PHED 3720 - Fitness Education K-12 3 credit hours PHED 3720 - Fitness Education K-12 3 credit hours Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for K-12. Offers preparation to administer and interpret assessment of related components with the understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the K-12 student. Major lifetime wellness activities covered. ENGL 2020 - Themes in Literature and Culture 3 credit hours (Hum/FA) OR(Hum/FA) OR dotslash:(Hum/FA) OR title:(Hum/FA) OR (Hum/FA) OR ENGL 2020 - Themes in Literature and Culture 3 credit hours Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Traces a specific theme or idea through a number of literary texts that reflect different historical and cultural contexts. Subject will vary. ENGL 2030 - The Experience of Literature 3 credit hours (Hum/FA) OR(Hum/FA) OR dotslash:(Hum/FA) OR title:(Hum/FA) OR (Hum/FA) OR ENGL 2030 - The Experience of Literature 3 credit hours Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. The reading of a variety of literary types which illuminate themes and experiences common to human existence. HUM 2610 - World Literatures 3 credit hours (Hum/FA)(Hum/FA) dotslash:(Hum/FA) title:(Hum/FA) (Hum/FA) HUM 2610 - World Literatures 3 credit hours Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Representative works of French, German, and Hispanic authors in English translation. No foreign-language proficiency required. Carries General Education credit. Mathematics 3 credit hoursSocial/Behavioral Sciences 3 credit hoursSubtotal: 17 HoursSophomore SpringPHED 3430 - Skill Themes: Games, Gymnastics, and Rhythms 3 credit hours PHED 3430 - Skill Themes: Games, Gymnastics, and Rhythms 3 credit hours Fundamental areas of educational gymnastics, educational games, and educational/creative dance/rhythms. How movement education relates to an individual child's personal development--intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. Activities suitable for the needs, abilities, and interests of children and developmentally appropriate practices. PHED 4910 - Applied Kinesiology and Biomechanics 3 credit hours PHED 4910 - Applied Kinesiology and Biomechanics 3 credit hours Study of the analysis of human movement based on the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of human activities. Laboratory experiences included. PHED 4930 - Teaching Territory Games 3 credit hours PHED 4930 - Teaching Territory Games 3 credit hours Games and skills associated with a variety of territory games. Includes basketball, soccer, flag football, lacrosse, field hockey, etc. Emphasis on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners. Natural Sciences 4 credit hoursMinor 3 credit hoursSubtotal: 16 HoursJunior FallPHED 4940 - Teaching Net and Wall Games 2 credit hours PHED 4940 - Teaching Net and Wall Games 2 credit hours Games and skills associated with a variety of net/wall games, including volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, racquetball, etc. Emphasis placed on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners. PHED 4470 - Educational Rhythms for Teachers 2 credit hours PHED 4470 - Educational Rhythms for Teachers 2 credit hours Educational rhythms for teaching physical education. Rhythmic skills, progressive movement, and creative physical activities explored and utilized for the student's understanding of educational rhythms. Explores educational rhythms as an academic discipline as well as an art form and as a lifelong social/recreational activity. PHED 3900 - Adapted Physical Education 3 credit hours PHED 3900 - Adapted Physical Education 3 credit hours For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with disabilities. Includes best practices and approaches to planning and implementing physical education instruction for the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in the educational, recreational, and physical fitness process and placement in the least restrictive environments and community programs. Addresses the unique needs of future physical education teachers. PHED 4400 - Motor Behavior 3 credit hours PHED 4400 - Motor Behavior 3 credit hours Processes related to the learning, control, and coordination of movement. Principles in motor learning, motor development, and motor control addressed in relation to movement and skill acquisition. Examines the major behavioral and control processes underlying the learning and performance of motor skills. Sports Pedagogy elective 3 credit hoursSubtotal: 13 HoursJunior SpringATHC 3810 - Directing Intramurals 3 credit hours ATHC 3810 - Directing Intramurals 3 credit hours The organization and administration of intramural programs. Actual participation in developing and supervising intramural activities. Sports Pedagogy elective 3 credit hoursElective 3 credit hoursMinor 3 credit hours PHED 4000 - Pedagogy of Physical Education 3 credit hours ANDAND dotslash:AND title:AND AND PHED 4000 - Pedagogy of Physical Education 3 credit hours Prerequisites: PHED 2800 and PHED 4400. Corequisite: PHED 4001. Planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management. PHED 4001 - Pedagogy of Physical Education Practicum 1 credit hour PHED 4001 - Pedagogy of Physical Education Practicum 1 credit hour Corequisite: PHED 4000. Provides teacher candidates with practicum experiences with peers and youth in physical education. Students will have an opportunity to apply and develop the skills and knowledge gained in PHED 4000. Subtotal: 16 HoursSenior FallLSTS 4110 - Youth Sport Programming and Administration 3 credit hours LSTS 4110 - Youth Sport Programming and Administration 3 credit hours Explores and examines youth sport history, philosophy, developmental stages of youth, administration and programming for youth, and current issues and events necessary to deliver youth sport activities within a variety of settings, agencies, and/or organizations. Addresses the various learning stages of youth sport and the impact these experiences can have on youth. Minor 6 credit hoursSports Pedagogy elective 3 credit hoursElective 1 credit hourSubtotal: 13 HoursSenior SpringPHED 4250 - Internship 3 to 12 credit hours (6 credit hours)(6 credit hours required) dotslash:(6 credit hours required) title:(6 credit hours) (6 credit hours required) PHED 4250 - Internship 3 to 12 credit hours Prerequisite: Approval by area faculty required. On-site practical experience in physical education, exercise science/health promotion program. Elective/minor 3 credit hours Electives 6 credit hours Subtotal: 15 Hours
Health and Human Performance Don Belcher, program coordinator 615-898-2904 Don.Belcher@mtsu.edu
The Sport Pedagogy concentration will serve as an opportunity for those who have movement skill and instructional ambitions to pursue a physical education degree option. This concentration will not lead to teacher certification; however, it may be combined with several options for a minor (e.g., athletic coaching, dance, somatic movement) providing students the expertise to be employed in a wider variety of related fields.
Following is a printable, suggested four-year schedule of courses:
Physical Education, Sports Pedagogy Concentration, B.S., Academic Map
General Education requirements include courses in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories.
The organization and administration of intramural programs. Actual participation in developing and supervising intramural activities.
Explores and examines youth sport history, philosophy, developmental stages of youth, administration and programming for youth, and current issues and events necessary to deliver youth sport activities within a variety of settings, agencies, and/or organizations. Addresses the various learning stages of youth sport and the impact these experiences can have on youth.
Introduces prospective students to the field of physical education. For those interested in teaching/coaching physical activities. Students taken through a broad range of activities in classrooms, gymnasiums, and outdoors.
Fundamental areas of educational gymnastics, educational games, and educational/creative dance/rhythms. How movement education relates to an individual child's personal development--intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. Activities suitable for the needs, abilities, and interests of children and developmentally appropriate practices.
Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for K-12. Offers preparation to administer and interpret assessment of related components with the understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the K-12 student. Major lifetime wellness activities covered.
For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with disabilities. Includes best practices and approaches to planning and implementing physical education instruction for the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in the educational, recreational, and physical fitness process and placement in the least restrictive environments and community programs. Addresses the unique needs of future physical education teachers.
Introduces the tactical approach to teaching games in physical education. Striking, fielding, and target games emphasized.
Processes related to the learning, control, and coordination of movement. Principles in motor learning, motor development, and motor control addressed in relation to movement and skill acquisition. Examines the major behavioral and control processes underlying the learning and performance of motor skills.
Educational rhythms for teaching physical education. Rhythmic skills, progressive movement, and creative physical activities explored and utilized for the student's understanding of educational rhythms. Explores educational rhythms as an academic discipline as well as an art form and as a lifelong social/recreational activity.
Study of the analysis of human movement based on the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of human activities. Laboratory experiences included.
Games and skills associated with a variety of territory games. Includes basketball, soccer, flag football, lacrosse, field hockey, etc. Emphasis on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners.
Games and skills associated with a variety of net/wall games, including volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, racquetball, etc. Emphasis placed on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners.
Prerequisite: Approval by area faculty required. On-site practical experience in physical education, exercise science/health promotion program.
Prerequisites: PHED 2800 and PHED 4400. Corequisite: PHED 4001. Planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management.
Corequisite: PHED 4000. Provides teacher candidates with practicum experiences with peers and youth in physical education. Students will have an opportunity to apply and develop the skills and knowledge gained in PHED 4000.
(Same as HLTH 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.
(Same as PHED 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.
Curricular listings include General Education requirements in Communication, History, Humanities and/or Fine Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social/Behavioral Sciences categories.
The following curriculum is the recommended sequence of courses. Consultation with an advisor is required each semester.
The first General Education English course. Emphasis on learning to adapt composing processes to a variety of expository and analytic writing assignments. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements.
(Same as PHED 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.
(Same as HLTH 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.
Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010
Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020
The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030
The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.
NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050.
The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.
Prerequisite: ENGL 1010. The second General Education English course. Emphasis on analytic and argumentative writing and on locating, organizing, and using library resource materials in the writing. Minimum grade of C- required to meet degree requirements.
Introduces prospective students to the field of physical education. For those interested in teaching/coaching physical activities. Students taken through a broad range of activities in classrooms, gymnasiums, and outdoors.
Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from the beginning to 1877. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2010
Survey of the political, economic, social, cultural, and diplomatic phases of American life in its regional, national, and international aspects. Discusses the era from 1877 to the present. May be used to satisfy one part of the the General Education History requirement. HIST 2010 is NOT a prerequisite for HIST 2020. TBR Common Course: HIST 2020
The role of the state in the development of the nation. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement. TBR Common Course: HIST 2030
The role of African Americans in establishing and shaping the American nation. Covers their historical development and contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.
NOTE: HIST 2040 is not a prerequisite for HIST 2050.
The role of African Americans in shaping the American nation and creating a twentieth-century racial identity. Covers their historical development and examines their contributions to American art, music, literature, and religion. May be used to satisfy one part of the General Education History requirement.
Introduces principles and processes of effective public oral communication including researching, critical thinking, organizing, presenting, listening, and using appropriate language. Counts as part of the General Education Communication requirement. TBR Common Course: COMM 2025
Introduces the tactical approach to teaching games in physical education. Striking, fielding, and target games emphasized.
Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for K-12. Offers preparation to administer and interpret assessment of related components with the understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the K-12 student. Major lifetime wellness activities covered.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Traces a specific theme or idea through a number of literary texts that reflect different historical and cultural contexts. Subject will vary.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. The reading of a variety of literary types which illuminate themes and experiences common to human existence.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 and ENGL 1020. Representative works of French, German, and Hispanic authors in English translation. No foreign-language proficiency required. Carries General Education credit.
Fundamental areas of educational gymnastics, educational games, and educational/creative dance/rhythms. How movement education relates to an individual child's personal development--intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. Activities suitable for the needs, abilities, and interests of children and developmentally appropriate practices.
Study of the analysis of human movement based on the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of human activities. Laboratory experiences included.
Games and skills associated with a variety of territory games. Includes basketball, soccer, flag football, lacrosse, field hockey, etc. Emphasis on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners.
Games and skills associated with a variety of net/wall games, including volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, racquetball, etc. Emphasis placed on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners.
Educational rhythms for teaching physical education. Rhythmic skills, progressive movement, and creative physical activities explored and utilized for the student's understanding of educational rhythms. Explores educational rhythms as an academic discipline as well as an art form and as a lifelong social/recreational activity.
For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with disabilities. Includes best practices and approaches to planning and implementing physical education instruction for the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in the educational, recreational, and physical fitness process and placement in the least restrictive environments and community programs. Addresses the unique needs of future physical education teachers.
Processes related to the learning, control, and coordination of movement. Principles in motor learning, motor development, and motor control addressed in relation to movement and skill acquisition. Examines the major behavioral and control processes underlying the learning and performance of motor skills.
The organization and administration of intramural programs. Actual participation in developing and supervising intramural activities.
Prerequisites: PHED 2800 and PHED 4400. Corequisite: PHED 4001. Planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management.
Corequisite: PHED 4000. Provides teacher candidates with practicum experiences with peers and youth in physical education. Students will have an opportunity to apply and develop the skills and knowledge gained in PHED 4000.
Explores and examines youth sport history, philosophy, developmental stages of youth, administration and programming for youth, and current issues and events necessary to deliver youth sport activities within a variety of settings, agencies, and/or organizations. Addresses the various learning stages of youth sport and the impact these experiences can have on youth.
Prerequisite: Approval by area faculty required. On-site practical experience in physical education, exercise science/health promotion program.
Dr. Don Belcher Associate Professor Jennifer Ross Craze Lecturer Hillary Hodges Lecturer Angela Ramos Instructor Francisco Ramos-Grasa Lecturer
Our adjunct faculty bring outstanding professional experience to our programs. Many are industry leaders with decorated careers and honors. Importantly, they are innovative educators who offer hands-on learning to our students to prepare them to enter and thrive in a dynamic, and oftentimes emerging, industry and professional world. They inspire, instruct, and challenge our students toward academic and professional success.
PHED 1010 - Beginning Folk and Square Dance 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1020 - Beginning Social Dance 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1040 - Beginning Tennis 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1050 - Adapted Physical Activity 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1060 - Adapted Physical Activity 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1080 - Beginning Bowling 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1100 - Beginning Karate 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1110 - Casting and Fishing Techniques 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1120 - Backpacking and Hiking 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1130 - Beginning Bicycling 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1140 - Gymnastics 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1150 - Beginning Badminton 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1160 - Beginning Archery 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1170 - Beginning Racquetball 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1180 - Aerobic Walking 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1182 - Introduction to Lifetime Activities 1 credit hour Introduction to weight management and resistance training, medicine ball and kettlebell workouts, indoor cycling, and yoga. PHED 1190 - Body Conditioning 1 credit hour Incorporates various training methods to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance. Techniques may include circuit training, cardiovascular endurance exercises, free weights, body weight exercises, core training, and stretching. All skill levels welcome. Class meets twice a week for one hour. PHED 1200 - Beginning Weight Training 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1210 - Beginning Basketball 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1220 - Beginning Soccer 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1240 - Water Aerobics 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1250 - Self Defense 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1260 - Intermediate Bicycling 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1270 - Yoga 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1271 - Intermediate Yoga 2 credit hours Prerequisite: PHED 1270 with minimum grade of B. An in-depth study of Hatha Yoga including the eight stages (or limbs) of yoga as explained in the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali written around 200 to 300 B.C. Emphasis placed on asana (physical postures, pranayama (breathing techniques), and dyhana (meditation). Yoga as a science, art, philosophy, and lifestyle interwoven into the academic experience. May be repeated for a maximum of four credits. PHED 1272 - Advanced Yoga 3 credit hours Prerequisites: PHED 1270 and PHED 1271. An in depth study of Hatha Yoga, including the eight stages, or limbs, of yoga as explained in the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali written around 200 to 300 B.C. Emphasis placed on asana (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and dyhana (meditation). Yoga as a science, art, philosophy, and lifestyle will be interwoven into the academic experience. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits. PHED 1280 - Beginning Pilates 1 credit hour Series of floor exercises developed by Joseph H. Pilates designed to increase strength, flexibility, stamina, and concentration. Focus on postural alignment and body mechanics; facilitates enhancement of kinesthetic sense overall and increases body awareness. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1281 - Intermediate Pilates 2 credit hours Prerequisite: PHED 1280 or permission of department. An in-depth study of the Pilates methodology. Designed to increase strength, flexibility, stamina, and concentration while bridging the mind and body, linking between everyday life and optimal performance. Emphasis placed on technique (physical and mental exercises) and philosophies of movement. Pilates as a science, art form, philosophy, and physical exercise interwoven into the academic experience. May be repeated twice for a maximum of four credits. PHED 1300 - Personal Conditioning 1 credit hour Basic concepts, techniques, and activities needed to design an individual conditioning program. Basic nutrition also covered. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1301 - Women's Personal Conditioning 1 credit hour Basic concepts, techniques, and activities specific to females for lifelong fitness habits and lifestyle. PHED 1310 - Beginning Rugby 1 credit hour Introduces the basics of the game of rugby. Coed, non-contact play coupled with classroom analysis. Class meets for two hours. PHED 1320 - Intermediate Rugby 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 1310. Continued study of the continuous game. Principles of play with additional emphasis on coaching, officiating, and the laws and strategies of Rugby. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2000 - Beginning Wrestling 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2010 - Beginning Modern Dance 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2020 - Beginning Golf 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. Fee required. PHED 2030 - Tumbling and Trampoline 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2040 - Beginning Swimming 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2050 - Adapted Physical Activity 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2060 - Adapted Physical Activity 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2070 - Intermediate Swimming 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 2040. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2071 - Fitness Swimming 1 credit hour Refining swimming strokes so students can swim with more ease, efficiency, and power. Offers information needed to design workout for using swimming as a fitness activity. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2080 - Intermediate Modern Dance 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 2010. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2090 - Intermediate Tennis 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 1040. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2120 - Scuba Diving 2 credit hours Students must pass a swimming proficiency test. PHED 2121 - Advanced Scuba Diving I 2 credit hours Prerequisite: Open water certification required; not a prerequisite for PHED 2124. Exposes divers to scuba equipment maintenance, navigation skills, ability to safely participate in night and limited visibility diving, and basic seamanship skills. PHED 2123 - First Aid for SCUBA Divers 3 credit hours Prerequisite: PHED 2120. Provides knowledge and skills necessary for certification in CPR for the professional rescuer. Covers blood-borne pathogens, oxygen administration, and first aid for scuba divers. PHED 2124 - Advanced SCUBA Diving II 2 credit hours Prerequisite: Open water certification required; can be taken before PHED 2121. Offers training to prevent, recognize, and handle in-water problems and diving emergencies; utilizes enriched air nitrox as a breathing medium. Additional lectures required for Master Diver certification. PHED 2130 - Basic River Canoeing 1 credit hour Students must pass a swimming proficiency test. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2140 - Basic Lifeguarding 2 credit hours Includes lifeguard training, automated external defibrillation, professional rescuer oxygen administration, and preventing disease transmission. PHED 2160 - Ballet-Primary 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2170 - Ballet-Intermediate 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 2160. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2180 - Beginning Jazz Dance 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2190 - Beginning Tap Dance 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.. PHED 2200 - Modern Gymnastics 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2240 - Beginning Roller Skating 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. Fee required. PHED 2250 - Intermediate Bowling 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 1080. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. Fee required. PHED 2260 - Basic Rock Climbing 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2270 - Beginning Volleyball 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2280 - Intermediate Tap Dancing 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 2190. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2320 - Advanced Weight Training 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 1200. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2330 - Advanced Karate 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 1100. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2340 - Aquatic Instructor Certification 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2350 - Intermediate Badminton 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 1150. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2380 - Intermediate Jazz Dance 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 2180. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2410 - Beginning Softball 1 credit hour Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2420 - Intermediate Golf 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 2020. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2430 - Advanced Volleyball 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 2270. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2440 - Advanced Swimming 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 2070. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2450 - Advanced Tennis 1 credit hour Prerequisite: PHED 2090. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. PHED 2800 - Introduction to Physical Education 2 credit hours Introduces prospective students to the field of physical education. For those interested in teaching/coaching physical activities. Students taken through a broad range of activities in classrooms, gymnasiums, and outdoors. PHED 3200 - Holistic and Integrative Movement Techniques I 3 credit hours An introduction to Somatics offering a diverse spectrum of movement experiences and techniques aimed at studying the unity of mind and body. History, theory, and practice explored to cultivate and promote mental, physical, and emotional health and well-being. Includes Eastern and Western modalities emphasizing Pilates, Yoga, Dance, and Tai Chi. PHED 3250 - Workshops and Instructional Methods in Health Education 3 credit hours Preparation for conducting workshops in a variety of professional settings. PHED 3300 - First Aid and Safety Education 3 credit hours (Same as HLTH 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification. PHED 3430 - Skill Themes: Games, Gymnastics, and Rhythms 3 credit hours Fundamental areas of educational gymnastics, educational games, and educational/creative dance/rhythms. How movement education relates to an individual child's personal development--intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. Activities suitable for the needs, abilities, and interests of children and developmentally appropriate practices. PHED 3500 - Physical Education for Early Childhood 3 credit hours Principles, teaching strategies, and curriculum activities for young children. Planning age-appropriate physical activities and designing developmentally appropriate motor skill experiences for young children. PHED 3720 - Fitness Education K-12 3 credit hours Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for K-12. Offers preparation to administer and interpret assessment of related components with the understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the K-12 student. Major lifetime wellness activities covered. PHED 3760 - Teaching Water Safety 2 credit hours (Same as HLTH 3760.) Designed to provide knowledge and skills needed for physical educators and recreational leaders to teach water safety. PHED 3800 - Teaching in Physical Education 3 credit hours Focuses on planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management. Also includes information about history, philosophy, and current trends of the profession of teaching physical education. PHED 3810 - Directing Intramurals 2 credit hours (Same as ATHC 3810.) The organization and administration of intramural programs. Active participation in developing and supervising intramural activities. PHED 3850 - Foundations of Physical Education 3 credit hours Lectures, discussion, and reports introduce students to the importance of physical activity and nutritional values as they relate to lifetime wellness. Study of physical education through its history, philosophy, leadership, and organization including related principles from biology, physiology, sociology, and psychology. PHED 3900 - Adapted Physical Education 3 credit hours For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with disabilities. Includes best practices and approaches to planning and implementing physical education instruction for the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in the educational, recreational, and physical fitness process and placement in the least restrictive environments and community programs. Addresses the unique needs of future physical education teachers. PHED 3910 - Officiating 2 credit hours Technique and practice in officiating major sports. PHED 3930 - Concepts and Tactics of Teaching Games 2 credit hours Introduces the tactical approach to teaching games in physical education. Striking, fielding, and target games emphasized. PHED 4000 - Pedagogy of Physical Education 3 credit hours Prerequisites: PHED 2800 and PHED 4400. Corequisite: PHED 4001. Planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management. PHED 4001 - Pedagogy of Physical Education Practicum 1 credit hour Corequisite: PHED 4000. Provides teacher candidates with practicum experiences with peers and youth in physical education. Students will have an opportunity to apply and develop the skills and knowledge gained in PHED 4000. PHED 4250 - Internship 3 to 12 credit hours Prerequisite: Approval by area faculty required. On-site practical experience in physical education, exercise science/health promotion program. PHED 4340 - Fitness Education for the Adult 3 credit hours (Same as HLTH 4340/REC 4340.) Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for the adult. Offers preparation for administering and interpreting assessments of related components with understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the adult. Major lifetime wellness activities covered. PHED 4400 - Motor Behavior 3 credit hours Processes related to the learning, control, and coordination of movement. Principles in motor learning, motor development, and motor control addressed in relation to movement and skill acquisition. Examines the major behavioral and control processes underlying the learning and performance of motor skills. PHED 4470 - Educational Rhythms for Teachers 2 credit hours Educational rhythms for teaching physical education. Rhythmic skills, progressive movement, and creative physical activities explored and utilized for the student's understanding of educational rhythms. Explores educational rhythms as an academic discipline as well as an art form and as a lifelong social/recreational activity. PHED 4600 - Technology Applications 1 credit hour Prerequisite: An introductory course in computer literacy or equivalent with instructor permission; corequisite: PHED 4601. Understanding and competency using a variety of technology applications related to the profession. Students required to enroll in corresponding lab during the same semester. PHED 4601 - Technology Applications Lab 2 credit hours Corequisite: PHED 4600. Investigation and application of profession-specific software and hardware applications. PHED 4710 - Authentic Assessment in Teaching Physical Education 3 credit hours Authentic assessment techniques used in teaching physical education. Matching appropriate assessment to different types of assessment instruments and to the objectives of the physical education curriculum. Computer applications related to assessment in physical education used. PHED 4780 - Curriculum in Physical Education 3 credit hours For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with and without disabilities. Reviews best practices and approaches to planning and implementing instruction, as well as the curriculum models of physical education. Addresses unique needs of future physical education teachers. PHED 4800 - Elementary Physical Education Teaching Methods 3 credit hours Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3430, PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Planning, implementing, and evaluating the teaching-learning process at the elementary school level. Requires field experience in teaching physical education at an area elementary school. PHED 4801 - Teaching Elementary Physical Education Practicum 3 credit hours Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to children with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development. PHED 4900 - Secondary Physical Education Teaching Methods 3 credit hours Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Opportunity to observe the art of teaching and the act of learning in physical education classes at the secondary level. Advanced study and practice of effective teaching and learning theory in secondary physical education related to classroom, gymnasium, and field situations. PHED 4901 - Teaching Secondary Physical Education Practicum 3 credit hours Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to middle and high school learners with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development. PHED 4910 - Applied Kinesiology and Biomechanics 3 credit hours Study of the analysis of human movement based on the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of human activities. Laboratory experiences included. PHED 4920 - Independent Study 1 to 3 credit hours (Same as ATHT 4920/EXSC 4920/HLTH 4920/LSTS 4920.) Independent study topics based on a study plan prepared in cooperation with a faculty supervisor. Culminates in a formal paper and/or comprehensive examination. Application forms must be completed and approved prior to enrollment. A maximum of three credit hours may be applied toward degree. PHED 4930 - Teaching Territory Games 3 credit hours Games and skills associated with a variety of territory games. Includes basketball, soccer, flag football, lacrosse, field hockey, etc. Emphasis on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners. PHED 4940 - Teaching Net and Wall Games 2 credit hours Games and skills associated with a variety of net/wall games, including volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, racquetball, etc. Emphasis placed on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners. PHED 4960 - Advanced Teaching in Physical Education 3 credit hours Prerequisites:PHED 4800, PHED 4801, PHED 4900, and PHED 4901 (each with grade of B or better). Corequisite: YOED 4020. A supervised, field-based experience taken the semester prior to Residency II (student teaching). Teacher candidates will spend one full school day a week engaged in research-based best practices under the collaborative supervision of highly effective mentor teachers and university faculty. Seminars constructed around effective teaching skills and a variety of co-teaching models. PHED 4990 - Seminar in Teaching Physical Education 1 credit hour Prerequisites: PHED 4800, PHED 4801, PHED 4900, and PHED 4901. A comprehensive review of the organization and management of physical education, presenting students with skills and strategies for becoming effective beginning teachers. Crucial issues and trends affecting the fields of physical education, including issues of advocacy, legal liability, alternative teaching strategies, ethics and professionalism, diversity, classroom management, and career planning.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Introduction to weight management and resistance training, medicine ball and kettlebell workouts, indoor cycling, and yoga.
Incorporates various training methods to improve strength, flexibility, and endurance. Techniques may include circuit training, cardiovascular endurance exercises, free weights, body weight exercises, core training, and stretching. All skill levels welcome. Class meets twice a week for one hour.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 1270 with minimum grade of B. An in-depth study of Hatha Yoga including the eight stages (or limbs) of yoga as explained in the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali written around 200 to 300 B.C. Emphasis placed on asana (physical postures, pranayama (breathing techniques), and dyhana (meditation). Yoga as a science, art, philosophy, and lifestyle interwoven into the academic experience. May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
Prerequisites: PHED 1270 and PHED 1271. An in depth study of Hatha Yoga, including the eight stages, or limbs, of yoga as explained in the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali written around 200 to 300 B.C. Emphasis placed on asana (physical postures), pranayama (breathing techniques), and dyhana (meditation). Yoga as a science, art, philosophy, and lifestyle will be interwoven into the academic experience. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
Series of floor exercises developed by Joseph H. Pilates designed to increase strength, flexibility, stamina, and concentration. Focus on postural alignment and body mechanics; facilitates enhancement of kinesthetic sense overall and increases body awareness. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 1280 or permission of department. An in-depth study of the Pilates methodology. Designed to increase strength, flexibility, stamina, and concentration while bridging the mind and body, linking between everyday life and optimal performance. Emphasis placed on technique (physical and mental exercises) and philosophies of movement. Pilates as a science, art form, philosophy, and physical exercise interwoven into the academic experience. May be repeated twice for a maximum of four credits.
Basic concepts, techniques, and activities needed to design an individual conditioning program. Basic nutrition also covered. Class meets for two hours.
Basic concepts, techniques, and activities specific to females for lifelong fitness habits and lifestyle.
Introduces the basics of the game of rugby. Coed, non-contact play coupled with classroom analysis. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 1310. Continued study of the continuous game. Principles of play with additional emphasis on coaching, officiating, and the laws and strategies of Rugby. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. Fee required.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 2040. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Refining swimming strokes so students can swim with more ease, efficiency, and power. Offers information needed to design workout for using swimming as a fitness activity. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 2010. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 1040. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Students must pass a swimming proficiency test.
Prerequisite: Open water certification required; not a prerequisite for PHED 2124. Exposes divers to scuba equipment maintenance, navigation skills, ability to safely participate in night and limited visibility diving, and basic seamanship skills.
Prerequisite: PHED 2120. Provides knowledge and skills necessary for certification in CPR for the professional rescuer. Covers blood-borne pathogens, oxygen administration, and first aid for scuba divers.
Prerequisite: Open water certification required; can be taken before PHED 2121. Offers training to prevent, recognize, and handle in-water problems and diving emergencies; utilizes enriched air nitrox as a breathing medium. Additional lectures required for Master Diver certification.
Students must pass a swimming proficiency test. Class meets for two hours.
Includes lifeguard training, automated external defibrillation, professional rescuer oxygen administration, and preventing disease transmission.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 2160. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours..
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. Fee required.
Prerequisite: PHED 1080. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours. Fee required.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 2190. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 1200. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 1100. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 1150. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 2180. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 2020. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 2270. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 2070. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Prerequisite: PHED 2090. Offers preparation for future participation in this activity by developing basic competencies in fundamental skills. Class meets for two hours.
Introduces prospective students to the field of physical education. For those interested in teaching/coaching physical activities. Students taken through a broad range of activities in classrooms, gymnasiums, and outdoors.
An introduction to Somatics offering a diverse spectrum of movement experiences and techniques aimed at studying the unity of mind and body. History, theory, and practice explored to cultivate and promote mental, physical, and emotional health and well-being. Includes Eastern and Western modalities emphasizing Pilates, Yoga, Dance, and Tai Chi.
Preparation for conducting workshops in a variety of professional settings.
(Same as HLTH 3300.) Deals with first aid measures, accident prevention, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Addresses issues related to drug use/abuse and related acts of violence. Satisfactory completion of the course qualifies the student for Emergency Care and Safety Institute Standard First Aid and CPR certificates. NOTE: If taking online, student must take skills test with instructor in order to receive certification.
Fundamental areas of educational gymnastics, educational games, and educational/creative dance/rhythms. How movement education relates to an individual child's personal development--intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically. Activities suitable for the needs, abilities, and interests of children and developmentally appropriate practices.
Principles, teaching strategies, and curriculum activities for young children. Planning age-appropriate physical activities and designing developmentally appropriate motor skill experiences for young children.
Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for K-12. Offers preparation to administer and interpret assessment of related components with the understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the K-12 student. Major lifetime wellness activities covered.
(Same as HLTH 3760.) Designed to provide knowledge and skills needed for physical educators and recreational leaders to teach water safety.
Focuses on planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management. Also includes information about history, philosophy, and current trends of the profession of teaching physical education.
(Same as ATHC 3810.) The organization and administration of intramural programs. Active participation in developing and supervising intramural activities.
Lectures, discussion, and reports introduce students to the importance of physical activity and nutritional values as they relate to lifetime wellness. Study of physical education through its history, philosophy, leadership, and organization including related principles from biology, physiology, sociology, and psychology.
For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with disabilities. Includes best practices and approaches to planning and implementing physical education instruction for the inclusion of children and adults with disabilities in the educational, recreational, and physical fitness process and placement in the least restrictive environments and community programs. Addresses the unique needs of future physical education teachers.
Technique and practice in officiating major sports.
Introduces the tactical approach to teaching games in physical education. Striking, fielding, and target games emphasized.
Prerequisites: PHED 2800 and PHED 4400. Corequisite: PHED 4001. Planning and instruction in the K-12 physical education setting including environmental arrangements, task presentation, content development, and classroom management.
Corequisite: PHED 4000. Provides teacher candidates with practicum experiences with peers and youth in physical education. Students will have an opportunity to apply and develop the skills and knowledge gained in PHED 4000.
Prerequisite: Approval by area faculty required. On-site practical experience in physical education, exercise science/health promotion program.
(Same as HLTH 4340/REC 4340.) Planning, teaching, and participating in individual and group fitness programs for the adult. Offers preparation for administering and interpreting assessments of related components with understanding of physiological principles related to exercise in the adult. Major lifetime wellness activities covered.
Processes related to the learning, control, and coordination of movement. Principles in motor learning, motor development, and motor control addressed in relation to movement and skill acquisition. Examines the major behavioral and control processes underlying the learning and performance of motor skills.
Educational rhythms for teaching physical education. Rhythmic skills, progressive movement, and creative physical activities explored and utilized for the student's understanding of educational rhythms. Explores educational rhythms as an academic discipline as well as an art form and as a lifelong social/recreational activity.
Prerequisite: An introductory course in computer literacy or equivalent with instructor permission; corequisite: PHED 4601. Understanding and competency using a variety of technology applications related to the profession. Students required to enroll in corresponding lab during the same semester.
Corequisite: PHED 4600. Investigation and application of profession-specific software and hardware applications.
Authentic assessment techniques used in teaching physical education. Matching appropriate assessment to different types of assessment instruments and to the objectives of the physical education curriculum. Computer applications related to assessment in physical education used.
For physical education teacher candidates interested in improving the quality of physical education programs for students with and without disabilities. Reviews best practices and approaches to planning and implementing instruction, as well as the curriculum models of physical education. Addresses unique needs of future physical education teachers.
Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3430, PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Planning, implementing, and evaluating the teaching-learning process at the elementary school level. Requires field experience in teaching physical education at an area elementary school.
Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to children with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development.
Prerequisite: Admission to teacher education program; PHED 3900, PHED 4000, PHED 4001, PHED 4710, and PHED 4780 all with minimum grade of C. Opportunity to observe the art of teaching and the act of learning in physical education classes at the secondary level. Advanced study and practice of effective teaching and learning theory in secondary physical education related to classroom, gymnasium, and field situations.
Practicum experiences in teaching physical education to middle and high school learners with special emphasis on lesson planning, management, assessment, task presentation, and content development.
Study of the analysis of human movement based on the anatomical, physiological, and mechanical principles of human activities. Laboratory experiences included.
(Same as ATHT 4920/EXSC 4920/HLTH 4920/LSTS 4920.) Independent study topics based on a study plan prepared in cooperation with a faculty supervisor. Culminates in a formal paper and/or comprehensive examination. Application forms must be completed and approved prior to enrollment. A maximum of three credit hours may be applied toward degree.
Games and skills associated with a variety of territory games. Includes basketball, soccer, flag football, lacrosse, field hockey, etc. Emphasis on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners.
Games and skills associated with a variety of net/wall games, including volleyball, tennis, badminton, table tennis, racquetball, etc. Emphasis placed on planning and applying developmentally appropriate activities for all learners.
Prerequisites:PHED 4800, PHED 4801, PHED 4900, and PHED 4901 (each with grade of B or better). Corequisite: YOED 4020. A supervised, field-based experience taken the semester prior to Residency II (student teaching). Teacher candidates will spend one full school day a week engaged in research-based best practices under the collaborative supervision of highly effective mentor teachers and university faculty. Seminars constructed around effective teaching skills and a variety of co-teaching models.
Prerequisites: PHED 4800, PHED 4801, PHED 4900, and PHED 4901. A comprehensive review of the organization and management of physical education, presenting students with skills and strategies for becoming effective beginning teachers. Crucial issues and trends affecting the fields of physical education, including issues of advocacy, legal liability, alternative teaching strategies, ethics and professionalism, diversity, classroom management, and career planning.
Contact your department / program coordinator or advisor for more details about the program. OR Work one-on-one with your advisor to explore your options.
With over 25 years of experience in online teaching and learning, MTSU Online offers students access to innovative, high-quality programs. Designed with students in mind, our courses allow maximum flexibility for those unable to participate in person.
Resources and services for online students are available from MTSU Online or contact us at distance@mtsu.edu.
Don Belcher Don.Belcher@mtsu.edu
Sarah Fossett (A-D; L, P) Sarah.Fossett@mtsu.edu 615-898-4818 | CKNB 201
Crystal Ellis (E-J; K, M, Q) Crystal.Ellis@mtsu.edu 615-898-4810 | CKNB 201
Jennifer Waite (S-Z; N, O,R) Jennifer.Waite@mtsu.edu 615-904-8494 | CKNB 201E
Department of Health and Human Performance Middle Tennessee State University MTSU Box 60 1301 East Main Street Murfreesboro, TN 37132